Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting friendly with Mr. Lathe MaChiNe

ok , hmm x jumpe gambar machine nih, xpe bayang jer

mesin ni sebenarnya untuk kerat besi lead to biar bentu jadi cantik
sem ni jer blajar subjek (machining workshop nih) rupa2nya mechatronic/mekanikal memang ader lead machine dalm bidang dia, siap ader org krja jadi pengerat besi gini jer...

ok, first kene briefing dulu,ingat lagi maser dia briefing yg technician tu dia kater kite kene kenal
mesin ni sebab kalu x kenal maka x cinta, tapi mesin ni x blh kenal kita,biar kite je kenal dia baru kite kenal dia,
sebenarnya mesin ni mmg bahayer kalu salah masuk tangan ke baju ke dalam tu dia tetap pusing kecuali orang tekn emergency break dia, ader setengah tu rosak emergency break , tunggu maser jelah kawan tuh...hehe

ok kami pun startlah buat lead tuh, kene kerat sikit demi sikit, mula2 group kami(sorang lagi kawan ) lambat tapi akhir2 bl potong org lain haha, puas hati..

kene potong skit2, nanti dia kluar besi tu dari megangda tu kalu ptoong bnyk,dia siap blh tukar speed lagi, nak brape rpmlah, aper semua....

produk comel giler
mcm aper x tahu tapi comellah

besi tu letak dalam gigi mesin tu pastu dia berpusing , mata alat(msein tu statik je) besi produk kite tu yg berpusng sbb tu kena secure betul2 besi tu jngn bagi dia gerak maser awal2,

satu lagi group(kerat kelas separuh) masuk milling machin, yg tu mesin gerak bukan bahan kerja gerak,
semua technician baik2 semua,kdng2 marah la skit2 sbb x ikut arahan,hehe

tulah criter dia,xdok idea doh...haha

UP(movie review)

lol gambar kat atas huduh skit,
first time post dlm bm raser, xper ah practice makes perfect, haha

criter ni berkisar tentang(macam ganaz doh, haha) seorang budak yg minat sngt kat seorang lelaki tu name aper x tahu ,xingat famous giler lah dia,ooooooooooooohhhh , x jadi BM hancur...

transform....Ku kih kukih(transformers transforming sound)

A dream of a boy to meet his admirer, he was so determined to meet him himslef,then one day while he was playing his balloon(pretending to be the man he admires adventuring the falls(cant remember the name either)using his air ship) he heard a girl talking to alone in a hous, the dialouge he remembered most, once his "dream man" said(cant remember the dialouge either)haha.

and then they oth become close friends sharingthesame interest, the same man they love, until they married each other, the boy become a balloon seller the girl i think become a house maid only, but they both still got the same dream , to meet the man they admire most at the waterfall(cant remember the name), so they started collecting money(fund-raising ) to take a journey to find who they want to meet most(what a happy couple)...


bnyk sngt nak criter

transform skali lagi ....

ok dipendekkan criter laki tu jadi tua, isteri dia mati tapi ddream tu tetap ader, pastu dia jumper bdk tu, terbangkan rumah dia gune balllooon bnyk2, pergi ke destinasi
lepas tu tngh jalan jumpe anjing blh cakap, burung unta kot(hhah)
lepas tu balah2 skit pastu habis criter...

sedih jgk criter tp last skali ttp best...
mmg criter disney gabung ngan pixar buat touching skit(kalu paham betullah criter dia)

ok done...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Been so long since last post

it has been a long time since the last post of mine here, lol :(
very sad for me
all of that is because of me getting busy(or pretending to be busy) on studying(hard)
haha for this semester, but that's not the end
I'll be posting a series of stories of my hard Studying here just to cure my missness(not the right word) into blogging
so hold on and wait for it...

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