Thursday, August 25, 2011

Raya comes again!!!

pic credit to

This years raya seems to be come closer but its in the middle of the semester making this raya another unhappy raya too, just like last year, after raya I had to prep for finals but this raya is a little bit better because it is far from finals(maybe around a month or so), so I can go home and raya a little bit happpier than last year. That's a little bit improvement on my emotion this year..

So, Ramadhan is just finishing its last days, and also the gates of HELL will start to open again and out comes all the Syaitans(devils) to continue their work of making HUmans to go HELL with them at the end of the world.

So, i hope this years ramadhan is the best for all of you because we don't know if we can still live to go through next year's ramadhan before dying but my ramadhan this year is just like HELL i would say because its the best and the worst ramadhan i've gone through...

I've done a lot of ibadah this year especially finally completing the Quran Insya-Allah but I also did bad things in this year's ramadhan, things that makes my pahala goes down while fasting and things that nearly make me skip my fast...

SO, in this wonderful month and this opportunity, I would like to say Selamat HAri Raya Aidilfitri to whoever's reading and Maaf Zahir BAtin to whoever's reading and to whoever I have made wrong to them, I would like to say sorry this time of the year, so happy holidays and be happy celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri after a month of fasting....and I hope for me and my readers to try to continue the amal and ibadah done in Ramadhan in other months too...Insya-Allah.. :-|

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fraser Hill Trip-Review

patutnya dah lame buat post ni, dah lama dah pergi mase cuti sem lepas sebulan sempat la gi jalan2 sambil2 duk sibuk buat lesen kreta yang kali ke brape dh x ingat pastu sambil menyambut undangan perkahwinan saudara di Kuantan..

sebelum nk pergi tu puas hati buat research nak pergi ikut jalan mana paling dekat dan paling jimat sebab dah dengar bnyk suggestion2 dari orang lain, last skali ikut jalan sendiri, ikut jalan short-cut masuk kampung siam mana dh tapi jalan dua hala dia sempitla, sempitla buat kreta mpv, kreta biasa stakat lepas jer, mcm jalan mase british baru buat dulu2

sebut jalan dua hala tu sebab nanti jumpa jalan satu hala nak naik Fraser Hill ni, dia panggil jalan GAP, x tahulah sebab ape dia panggil gitu tp mungkin sebab dia gap 8 kilo tu kot. Jalan naik dia 8km last tu memang satu hala jela, memang satu hala jela muat pun, xmuat nk lalu dua kreta, satu kreta pun lepas2 je...

lepas makan kenduri kat kuantan terus bertolak hala ke KL pastu kluar kat Karak pastu masuk jalan short-cut tu sebelum smpai Bentong. Mase naik tu ok lagi, x la raser pening2 ape lagi, adik2 dua orang muka biru dh, nk muntah, yg tu dua orang jalan atas darat pun nk muntah kalau jalan lama2, hahaha sedap kutuk orang...

lepas tidur sejuk giler malam tu, naik pun petang jadi xsempat nk mandi air terjun sebagaimana yg telah diplan atas sebab tolak lambat dari kenduri... turunla dari situ....malam tu gi jalan2 dh kat pekan kecik dia kat atas tuh, mujurla ade de-humidifier kalau x mati sek=juk bekula, hahaha...

Alah turun gilerla dahlah ader bas duduk depan, pastu tunggula dia duk ejas2 body dia reverse, depan ,reverse balik nk bagi lepas jalan... last skali kat tengah jalan brau dia bagi potong sbb kesian ramai tunggu kat blakang, turun pun satu hala tapi ikut jalan lainla, kalau dulu naik turun guna jalan sama pastu ikut jamla siapa naik siapa turun tapi skrng dh slamat sebab dh siap jalan baru. x tahu sebab aper jalan turun raser nk muntah sngt, tahan2, control macho depan adik2, tapi giler memang nk muntah betulla hahaha mujurla x muntah.. last skali lega sbb dh jalan rata pastu brenti makan kat bentong pastu makan asam plk, lagila sembuh rasa loya tu...

gitula sdikit sbnyk review kat Fraser Hill, kalau kira bkn banyk pun criter pasal tempat tu, bnyk criter tengah jalan nk pergi je hahaha, tp sedapla kalau duk lame kat situ kot, sbb bnyk bnde jgk blh buat, jungle trekking, mandi air terjun, nikmati raser sejuk, sentuh low-clouds kalau blh, mkn pun blh jgk, kalau kluar pg2 tu bila ckp brasap la mcm kat oversea haha betul ke x ,xtahu la try la sendiri tengok....the end

Friday, July 8, 2011

Malaysia bakal huru-hara esok!!!

ouuuh, lamer x post, naik isu panas baru nk post.

serabutla dengan mainan politik ni, nak2 dengan rancangan Anuar Ibrahim dalam menjalankan BERSIH 2.0 esok,
dengan polis buat road-block seminggu sebelum program nih, matikan permit bas masuk ke KL, semua pengangkutan awam disekat dan latestnya ada desas-desus yang mengatakan kerajaan akan menutup semua telekomunikasi elektronik esok bagi mengelak dari anggota BERSIh 2.0 boleh berhubung sesama mereka, tapi yang nak marahnya orang2 yg duduk luar KL pun kene effect dia jgk nanti, kalau nk block pun buatla kat KL jer, takkan esok internet down kot.

Anggota BERSIH 2.0 pun menjawab walau apa-pun terjadi mereka akan sampai ke Stadium Merdeka yang melambangkan kebebasan, ahahah.

Kerajaan pun oleh kerana takutnya BERSIH 2.0 berjaya, terpaksalah guna segala macam cara yang boleh, dari membuat ugutan akan menggunakan ISA, membuat tuduhan anggota BERSIH akan membuat huru-hara walaupun ia mungkin dimulakan oleh pihak lain, sehinggalah titah perintah dari Yang-Dipertuan Agung sendiri supaya tidak mengadakan perhimpunan haram di stadium merdeka.

tapi apa-apa hal yang paling penting orang2 bwh ni mesti nak teruskan perjuangan mereka sampailah berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke Stadium merdeka untuk kebebasanlah katakan...kecuali big boss (Anuar Ibrahim) kata berhenti n xpayah last minute...hahahah

tengok2 polis dengan askar duduk tunggu dah dalam stadium sekali dengan alat2 perang dah nk lawan dengan orang baju kuning ni....

we'll wait n see esok, tp yang penting kalau jadilah anggota BErsih ni mencapai goal mereka kita akan dapat mencapai Malaysia baru, Malaysia yang Anuar Ibrahim dan sekutunya duk rancang dulu lagi......

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mykad with added security features/Mykad baru

Patutnya dh lama sy post yg ni tapi x sempat sbb x berkesempatan masa.

-Mykad baru akan dikeluarkan tak lama lagi dan rakyat digesa untuk
bertukar kepada yang baru dengan harga RM10, ia dikatakan ditambah dengan ciri-ciri keselamatan untuk mengelak untuk ditiru atau dipalsukan oleh golongan yang tidak bertanggungjawab, ia akan dilengkapi dengan gambar yang diukir dengan laser dan bla, bla ,bla

Sebenarnya, MYkad baru ni bukan saja menyusahkan tapi juga memakan duit rakyat pada masa hdapan, memakan duit rakyat dalam proses membuatnya yang mengambil bebrapa juta dan memakan duit rakyat apabila ia rosak atau tidak sengaja dirosakkan oleh seseorang semasa proses membuat Mykad baru sebagai ganti. :<

Mykad lama pun mempunyai chip yang dikatakan tidak boleh ditiru tetapi penjenayah berjaya membuat salinn malah Mykad lama mempunyai chip yang mudah rosak disertai memori 64K tpai tidak pernah diguna oleh mana-mana agensi kerajaan selama mana Mykad beserta chip dibawa masuk kecuali untuk hal-hal penting sahaja serta kepada pengguna yang bijak mengguna dan menggunakan sebagai "touch n go" kad tetapi sedikit skali pengguna Malaysia menggunakannya begitu kerana takut Mykad rosak dan terpaksa diganti dngn yang baru dan dicaj beratu-ratus ringgit....

JAdi ,adakah Mykad baru ini berbaloi dibuat?? fikir2kanlah...
ini semua menggunakan duit rakyat jgk...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alhamdulillah, this sem's final has ended

So what, let's paaaaaaaaaarty

yes but I have been busy lately even though my final has ended as I have to prepare the proposal for my project for next sem, and it looks like im going to be busier next sem finishing this project lol :(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Disable automatic updates in google chrome

Long time no update here but nvm

Recently, my google chrome updates itself to the newest version it has and this has annoyed me evry much, so I have found a way not to do so as I like the way google chrome the old version one(my favourite version one), so here's the steps

1. Open Start Menu and then hit Run or if you are using Windows 7 press (Windows Logo+R)

2. Then type "regedit" (without qoutes)

3. Go to the following address:

If don’t see the Google as key there in the left pane under Policies then you will need to create a key named "google" and then create a another key named "Update" under newly created Key Google

4. Create key under Update Key named DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue as string key value and set its value to 1 to disable automatic google chrome update, if you want to enable the auto-updater set its value to 0.


Exit google chrome and you are done, google chrome will not update automatically now.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Libya attack-Day8

Libyan rebels have overcome Muammar al-Qaddafi's forces in strategic oil town of Ajdabiya, seizing control of the city Saturday in a major turnaround for an uprising that appeared to be on the verge of defeat. An this is after the no-fly-zone have been done, if not, the rebels would fail.

From now at least 170 tomahawks has been launched into Libyan soil.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Libya gets hit by UN members-day 2

I've got nothing to update about now, until I will found something
that I could update things about my life right now, so, now im just showing a picture of a plane taking off from Italy going to Tripoli, Libya to be attacked by allied forces starting at the night of 19th march by lauching of 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles by America and its allies/.

At least dozens have been reported dead and counting, so hang on for some updates from Libya coming soon...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Susahnya nak ubah orang jadi baik

nak tukar orang jadi lain punyer pasal

susahnya kalau ada kawan yang ibadah wajib pun susah nak buat,
kadang2 bila kita tegur dia buat, pastu x buat balik, pastu kalau kite tegur jngan buat jahat
dia x buat tapi lamer2 buat balik, haha

last skali orang yg nk perbetulkan dia ni dah nak jadi putus asa dah
pastu skrang baru boleh fikir macam mana susahnya orang dakwah nk perbetulkan orang atau nak ajak orang masuk Islam...hmm...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Lamer x post kat sini, x tahu plk nk tulis bende skrng ni, biasa bnyk nk tulis haha, ni nk masuk minggu test plk lagilah sibuk nk post nanti, hmm x thau lasung nk tulis bende kat sini....

ni ader kwn nk mintak tolong jadi contributor untuk blgo dia plk, haha bnyk la nk sumbat nati dalam blog dia tu...

Monday, January 10, 2011

FAcebook closing!!!Good news or bad news??

Mark Zuckerberg
I don't know, there are pros and cons if they really want to close it but i think they wont, haha c u next time...

7 people around the world who look the same

While I was walking to and from my study place I had to meet and see many faces, at bus stops, before entering classes etc. But one thing that makes me wonder why I keep seeing people with same faces, some my close friends and some are not but it makes me wonder for while, are them who i think they are or are they people that only have the same faces like my friends , huh i wonder....when will I meet one of mine, one with the same exact face of mine, I guess I have to go to a lot more places to meet one...


Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Don't know why???

i don't know why but my posts keep going longer and longer making this blog like a diary to me ,haha but it mkaes me feel good somehow so readers out there(if only I have one loyal, one) keep reading if you like my post if not tell me in the comments and say straight that my blog sucks and getting sucker and worse, and for those who like my revolusionize blog now keep commenting on my diary of mine and say what you want to say even sating bad things to me as long as you are a loyal reader of blog of mine, and thanks for reading....:)

In safe hands, Allah!!!

Alhamdulillah I'm safe here at the borders of Malaysia... haha.... continuing studies at one of the most unknown universities in Malaysia, maybe one will somehow here it once but will just forget the name just like that.

but when someone knows the uniqueness of this institute maybe they will never forget it. haven't unpacked my stuffs into my locker yet , I felt boring waiting for the school to start, I mean the learning sessions to start pacing again, to start the race to get high pointers again :( not that i can get high on that, Insha-Allah in the future...Insha-Allah and i mean it for real with all my hardwork will be focused on that only...

So, good luck for me for this sem, may Allah bless me and help me in every way HE can help me to get what i wanted in the near future...of course to get married and have a good work to support my family and lived happily ever after until akhirat... Insha-Allah..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

TOnight is the nite!!!

Tonight I will be on a journey back to school, back to studying on a bus...........back to this boring life...

Embedding VAlues from all around us

We accept or accidentally accept values from all around us everday whether it is good values or bad values. We can get them from watching TV shows, communicating with people or socializing with them or even worse living with them.

Living in closed community makes us, human like that. They start to accept other people's bad attitude or they didn't accept it at first after day by day, they watch and watch the people around him doing bad things and he cannot get away from it, he will eventually one day accept it or do some things similar or worse.

Friends for exmaple, close ones, we get to know each other, some are good and some are bad and somehow the bad or good things make us hating each other deep inside our hearts but we must accept it in order to live longer and be like by everyone but it will affect us somehow.

so it affects us by the values, close friends for example will share some values to each other at the end of the day or after a long relationship and one day they separate, THEN they will feel the ne value they got in them that was sucked from their friend whether it is good or bad. Its like sharing a cake but the ingredients usually doesn't come from the good stuff only but the ingredients now will com efrom the bad stuff also and you know what i mean. The stuff that makes us hate each other and that's the stuff we're eating and the stuff that will grow inside us changing and turning us into the good stuff or the bad stuff and THAT makes ourselves change day by day to the good side or the bad side....

So in a nutshell we must hate this bad stuff very much and keep away from socializing or being friend with the people containing the bad stuff...... but its hard to that nowadays after all in the world we are living now, its hard to find a good friend or neighbour that have the good stuff in them that can be shared with us in the future.....

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